Dance ’til Dusk – September

Saturday, September 14th
3pm – 7pm
Ground Control
1279 Queen St. W.

$10 at the door, 19+

So it seems Goths will come out in the daylight if you give them enough incentive… Back in June, you came, you danced, and you asked for more, so we’re doing it again!

Please join us on Saturday, September 14th as we take over the Ground Control front lounge for an afternoon dance party.

DJ Greg Clow will be playing a selection of goth, industrial, post-punk, and other dark retro sounds (with a little help from Sheryl when it comes to the playlist, as it’s her birthday week, so there will be lots of her favourites).

You can enjoy socializing with friends and having a drink or two from the bar; and you’ll get home in time for a takeaway dinner and a movie before going to bed at a reasonable hour. (Or if you prefer, stay out and keep the party going until the wee hours – no judgement here!)

Admission is at the door only and note that last time we just about hit capacity, so maybe get there early. (For those of you who hoped this event would be in the back room; capacity in the front lounge is still not enough people to fill the back room, so be forewarned – we will be in the front, it will be snug, and hot, but fun, and fabulous.)

To RSVP, please visit the Facebook event page.